Why was I asked to retake the General English Test?

Test difficulty level

Before taking the test, you’ll need to fill out a couple of self-assessment questions about your English proficiency level. The app uses this information to adapt the test so you see questions that are the right difficulty level for you. 

⚠️Warning: you will only receive valid results if your performance on the test makes sense with your responses!

The test was too easy for me 😎

If the test was too easy for you, this means you underestimated your abilities and could take a harder version of the test in order to earn a better score. In this case, you’ll be assigned a new test. Remember to choose a more advanced level this time! You can take it right away, or come back and take it later from the “My Tests” section.

The test was too hard for me 😕

If the test was too hard for you, this means you overestimated your abilities and will do better taking an easier version of the test. In this case, you’ll be assigned a new test. Remember to choose a less advanced level this time! You can take it right away, or come back and take it later from the “My Tests” section.

If you still need help, don't hesitate to write to us on support@slangapp.com, preferentially using your Slang account's email.


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