How do I change the language?

Welcome! Here, you’ll find how to change the language of your Slang account. When you select your native language between English, Spanish and Portuguese, everything will appear in the selected language.

On the other hand, if you still want to study in your native language, but want the menus, messages and emails, in other words, the interface, to be shown in English, you just have to check the box. Let's find out how?

I’m studying in the app

If you’re studying on your mobile device and want to change the language of your account, you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Slang account
  2. Tap "Account" in the lower right corner of the screen
  3. Go to “Language settings
  4. Choose your native language 
  5. Choose if you want your interface to be shown in English or in your native language
  6. Done! Your account is all set for you to start studying 🎉

I’m studying in a web browser

If you’re studying on the web and want to change the language of your account, you just have to follow the steps bellow:

⚠️ Warning: We don’t recommend studying on a mobile browser. If you want to study on your mobile device (tablet, cellphone, etc.), you can see how to download the app here.

  1. Log into your Slang account
  2. Click on you profile on the upper right corner of the screen
  3. Go to “Account settings
  4. Go to “Language settings
  5. Choose your native language 
  6. Choose if you want your interface to be shown in English or in your native language
  7. Done! Your account is all set for you to start studying 🎉

If you still need help, don't hesitate to write for us on, preferentially using your account's email.



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