How do I invite users?
To invite a new user, you need to send an invitation to join your organization. To do so, follow these steps:
- Go to > Learners > Active > All.
- Click the Add learners blue button at the right side of the page.
After these steps, there are different steps for single and bulk invitations.
Single invitation
- Register the learner's name and email address.
- Select if you want to assign a Placement test and select which test.
- Select the Native and Interface language.
Note: If the invitation is not successfully sent, an account might have been already created outside your organization and you will need to contact support.
Bulk invitations
- Create a CSV with columns for email, name, and Manage app group in that order.
- Upload the file.
- Select the columns with the information.
- Select if you want to assign a Placement test and select which test.
- Select the Native and Interface language.
Note: If the invitation is not successfully sent, an account might have been already created outside your organization and you will need to contact support.
Note 2: If you're going to assign the groups in the CSV archive, the name of each group needs to be written exactly as in the platform