How do I invite users?

To invite a new user, you need to send an invitation to join your organization. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to > Learners > Active > All.
  2. Click the Add learners blue button at the right side of the page.

After these steps, there are different steps for single and bulk invitations.

Single invitation

  1. Register the learner's name and email address.
  2. Select if you want to assign a Placement test and select which test.
  3. Select the Native and Interface language.

Note: If the invitation is not successfully sent, an account might have been already created outside your organization and you will need to contact support.

Bulk invitations

  1. Create a CSV with columns for email, name, and Manage app group in that order.
  2. Upload the file.
  3. Select the columns with the information.
  4. Select if you want to assign a Placement test and select which test.
  5. Select the Native and Interface language.

Note: If the invitation is not successfully sent, an account might have been already created outside your organization and you will need to contact support.

Note 2: If you're going to assign the groups in the CSV archive, the name of each group needs to be written exactly as in the platform

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