How do I change programs' settings?
Welcome! 👋 Here you'll learn about programs' settings and how to change them.
There are two settings you are able to change regarding programs: locking professional programs for beginner learners and locking unassigned programs.
If you want to check this settings, first you'll need to go to the Settings tab, and then Programs. There, you will able to activate these two options.
General English level
Slang recommends that beginner learners complete up through Elementary 2 course of the General English program before starting professional courses. However, you can allow your learners to access professional programs regardless of their General English level if you so choose.
With this option active, learners will necessarely have to complete up to Elementary 2 course before they have access to any professional program they've been assigned.
💡 Remember to always click on the Save button after making changes and assignments.
Course Library
You may lock the course library when learners have programs assigned, which will make the program the learner's sole focus.
With this option active, learners will not be able to access any courses except the ones within their assigned programs.
💡 Remember to always click on the Save button after making changes and assignments.
If you want to learn more about the two different types of programs and how to assign them, you may find the following articles useful:
In addition, if you need any extra help, don't hesitate to reach out to us at