How do I create a property?

👨‍🎓Role properties

⚠️Warning: These properties are default and populated directly from our database, witch means you can only select the role from the list that already exists.

🌎Location properties

đź’ˇ Remember that these properties are populated by the user, witch means you can create as many locations as needed according to the location of the users from the organization.

Here’s how you can create a new location property:

  1. Login to your LMS account:
    1. Go to and login as usual
    2. Click on the icon with the initial letter of your name, and then select Manage your organization . This will open a new tab in your browser.
    3. You’re officially in!
  2. Go to Settings at the bottom of the left menu
  3. Go to Properties at the top menu
  4. Go to Location , at the Default properties menu
  5. Tap the + Add option button at the right
  6. Name the property
  7. Done! The property you created will be displayed on the Location menu 🎉

💡Note: you can also rename and delete the properties you created at any time. Here’s how:

  1. Tap the 3 dots on the right of the Property you want to modify
  2. Tap Delete to permanently delete the property
  3. Tap Rename to give the property another name

⚠️Warning: The name of a property is unique. You can only have up to one property with the exact same name.

đź’ˇ Note: To see how to assign the property you just created you can check this article.

If you want to learn more about properties and how to assign them, you may find the following articles useful:

  • What is a property?
  • How do I assign a property?

In addition, if you need any extra help, don't hesitate to reach out to us at


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