If I don’t feel comfortable or challenged enough in my current level, can I request a change?

Yes. However, you should consider that this can vary depending on the type of class:

  • Slang Online: The change can be made from a lower level to a higher one, or vice versa. For example: if you are currently in Beginner 2, you can request a change to Beginner 1 or Elementary 1. As long as there is availability within the requested group, we can make the change immediately.

  • Private Online and VIP Online: In both cases, the change will depend on the groups your company has, which will allow us to make the transition between them. For example: if your company only purchased three groups, the level distribution would be as follows:

  • Beginner 1: will cover learners from Beginner 1 and Beginner 2, starting with Beginner 1 content.
  • Elementary 1: will cover learners from Elementary 1 and Elementary 2, starting with Elementary 1 content.
  • Intermediate 1: will cover learners from Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2, and Intermediate 3, starting with Intermediate 1 content.

To request a change, you can talk to your manager or send an email to support@slangapp.com, keeping in mind that the approval of it will be subject to the availability of the requested level, class schedule, and capacity within the group.

📌Remember: you can change levels in your Online Classes (in accord with the conditions explained above), but you must complete the course you are currently studying in the Learn App, even if it belongs to a lower level than the class. 

For example: if you are in Beginner 1 level in Online Classes and want to be moved to Beginner 2, it is possible to do so, but you must still complete your Beginner 1 course in the Learn App before moving on to the next level.

Our priority at Slang is to satisfactorily address these types of requests to ensure you have a unique learning experience. However, some logistical limitations may arise and affect the desired change, so our recommendation is for you to complete the level you were in at the time of the transition. This way, progression will be smoother and clearer once you advance to the next level.

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